The crucial experience of Christians is the experience of the Risen Lord who is in the living presence in our life personally as well as communally. In the beginning of our Church, the Apostles proclaimed again and again only one thing that Jesus died and rose again. The Risen Lord transformed the Apostles from men, sorrow, coward and even persecuting Lord’s Church to men, joyful, courageous and zealously expanding God’s Kingdom. Experience of the presence of the Risen still lasts through generations in the Church until today.
What keeps us in the faith of the Risen? That is Misa (the Mass) everyday. Misa brings us into living mystery of Jesus’ life, His Death and Resurrection. Society of Jesus, especially through general congregations, taught us that Misa must be the center of consecrated and apostolic life of every Jesuit. During Misa, we touch God’s Word, participate into feast of Eucharist. Jesus gives His own Blood and Flesh in order to nourish us, to support us on the way back to the Father’s House as well.
In community life, I sometimes can not avoid times of isolation in the manner of thinking and living, or feelings offended. Studying also makes me stress and boring. At recent time, I’m sorrowfully heard that many international media criticize the Pope heavily and attack strongly priests about their holiness and chastity.
As we are at the same table of Eucharist, we do not feel lonely. Because there are around us, brothers with the same faith, the same motivation, and mostly the presence of the Risen, our Lord, during the Mass. Coming to the Eucharist, we am strengthened more faith and hope to firmly stand before every hostile. Difficulties that we face are offered to God and we are reformed. “Whoever eats my Body and drinks my Blood to have eternal life.” “The one who believes in me will raise him up at the last day.”
The Gospel reading today as well as recent days strikes me and helps me to be more conscious of value of Misa with the living presence of the Risen in the Eucharist. I recollect words of my Novices Master that: be union with our Lord everyday, mostly through the Mass, since the Mass is center of our consecrated and apostolic life.
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